
At Agama, client satisfaction is our priority
Meet our team…
The Agama team in Luxembourg has a thorough understanding of the Luxembourg financial market, its players, their operational issues and their service providers, as well as the requirements of the CSSF.
Reactive, close to our clients, we work with you, according to your development needs.
We are specialists of the financial sector, with complementary expertise and professional skills, enriched by our interaction with clients, with their service providers and with our colleagues within Agama Group.
The Agama team in Luxembourg consists of a partner and a director who work in close collaboration with consultants.

Jean-Bernard started his career in 2001 at the French financial markets authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers – AMF), where he developed an expertise in investment strategies in the Investment Services Providers division.
In 2006, he joined a consulting firm specialising in compliance and internal control for asset managers, before taking on the roles of Risk Manager and Conducting Officer in asset management companies in France and then Luxembourg.
Together with the two founding partners of Agama Group, Philippe Levrel and Louis-Grégoire Logre, Jean-Bernard founded the Agama office in Luxembourg in 2013.
He is a member of IIA Luxembourg (Institute of Internal Auditors, Luxembourg).
Christel is a qualified auditor (réviseur d’entreprises) and member of ILA (Luxembourg Institute of Directors), ALCO (Association of Luxembourg Compliance Officers) and IRE (Institute of External Auditors, Luxembourg).
She started her career in 2003 with Deloitte Luxembourg where she worked for 16 years in the audit department for management companies/AIFMs, investment funds (UCITS and AIFs), financial sector professionals and banks.
Since 2020, she is assisting clients in the asset management, private banking, financial services and accounting sectors, adding value on corporate governance, internal control, regulatory compliance and financial matters.
Christel joined Agama in 2021.

Agama is an independent consultancy firm that provides long-term support to asset management companies/alternative investment fund managers, investment funds and, more broadly, to financial sector and asset management players (financial sector professionals, electronic money institutions, payment institutions, banks).
We are committed to serving our clients and their investors in the areas of regulatory compliance, internal control, and functional and operational organisation, by providing advice and services tailored to their expectations.
We have grouped them into 9 categories.
From the preparation of the application file to the obtaining of the CSSF approval, we assist you at each stage of the process
- Support in your project to set up a regulated entity offering financial services in Luxembourg (management company/alternative investment fund manager, professional of the financial sector) or investment funds
- Preparation for the presentation of the project to the Luxembourg regulator (the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier or CSSF)
- Assistance with the drafting and submission of the application file
- Search for service providers to perform essential functions (custodian, central administration, auditor, domiciliation agent, transfer agent)
- Assistance with responses to the CSSF in the event of additional requests or following on-site inspections (in relation to corporate governance, AML/CFT, MiFID), and implementation of remediation plans if necessary
- Research on technical or specific points related to the organisation and nature of the business or to the investment strategy (prospectus update, SFDR impact, target underlying investments)
- Taking charge of the social life of the products: preparation of information for unit- or shareholders
- Assistance with product registration in Luxembourg, France or abroad
Is your range of products or services or are your investment funds evolving? We support you in defining, managing and steering your strategic projects
- Assistance in selecting the right investment fund structures, redesigning and securing business processes, change management
- Feasibility analysis of projects in relation to regulatory changes: implementation of reporting, reflection on distribution schemes, analysis of potential gaps between risk profile and the implemented investment strategy
- Assistance in the selection of service providers or partners
Benefit from a strong and recognised experience, tailor-made support and assistance in the pragmatic implementation of your controls
- Outsourced internal audit or delegation of periodic control
- Assistance to the internal audit function in place, in particular when it is carried out by a group entity not based in Luxembourg, for specific assignments or in relation to Luxembourg regulations, in particular compliance with the applicable CSSF circulars
- Diagnostics of compliance, risk management and finance functions
- Analysis of existing documentation (schemes, prospectuses, KIID/PRIIPS, strategies implemented, selection criteria used, nature of the instruments used) according to a practical approach and taking into account your organisation and resources
- Implementation or follow-up of action plans or remediation plans in conjunction with operational staff
- Operational and compliance due diligence (e.g. in the case of the acquisition of a management company/AIFM, PSF and/or in case of investment in a target company) or in the context of the supervision of local service providers
- Advice on best practice in terms of organisation, tools and controls
Applying best practices in corporate governance helps you make the right decisions
- Mandates as AML/CFT Compliance Officer (“RC”) in investment funds or assistance to the person from among the members of the management bodies in charge of compliance with AML/CFT obligations (“RR”)/AML/CFT Compliance Officer
- Mandates of Corporate Secretary to the Board
- Connecting with independent directors
Let's formalise your operational arrangements together.
We review and write your procedures, policies and risk maps according to your activities, products and target markets
By constantly monitoring regulatory developments, your company and your investment funds are always up to date with their obligations
- Continuous monitoring and communication of regulatory developments and their interpretation by professional bodies (ALFI, AFG) or supervisory bodies (ESMA, CSSF, AMF) in Luxembourg and France
- Monitoring and alerting in relation to applicable regulatory deadlines
- Assistance in the operational implementation of new regulations
- Assistance in drafting annual and specific reports
Let's train your managers, directors and teams to fully master the requirements of the financial sector, its developments and its regulatory challenges
- Recurrent training courses: AML/CFT, MiFID, market abuse
- On-demand training: risk management, regulatory requirements for certain types of actors
Always stay alert and assess your risks by keeping a clear and up-to-date view of your activities
- Mapping and definition of alerts, with automatic generation
- Choice of a risk management tool
- Production of periodic monitoring reports of institutional quality
- Setting up or redesigning of your risk management system
- Support to risk management teams: assistance on complex subjects and/or in periods of high activity (derivatives, liquidity, transaction costs analysis, stress testing, pricing, performance fees, etc.)
- Tailor-made internal pricing tools
Review of risk management processes across the value chain :
- Decision-making process (including analysis of unconscious bias)
- Selection and timing
- Execution (transaction costs analysis)
- Position management (sizing)
- Help in defining and structuring new products in order to optimise their format
At Agama, we serve an entire ecosystem of players that revolve around the financial and asset management sectors.

As a leading multilingual European platform, the Luxembourg financial centre connects investors and markets around the world.
Recognised for its stability, vision and innovation by international financial institutions, it is the ideal springboard for new financial products and services. It attracts international players to finance the European and global activities of all types of companies.
of the
EU financial
of investment fund
centres around
the world
of global cross-border distribution
of investment funds
recognition of its political,
economic and regulatory stability
Source : website
Asset management
As the preferred centre for the world’s leading asset managers for their range of investment funds, Luxembourg offers an open market for international fund distribution. Today, private and institutional clients have access to international investments.
Luxembourg hosts investment funds distributed in 77 countries, notably in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

Key figures
5 400
of assets under management
in investment funds
(in August 2021)
of global cross-border investment funds
managed from Luxembourg
Global asset managers
in Top 100 domicile all or part of their funds in Luxembourg
AIFMs and
registered AIFMs
present in Luxembourg
(in December 2020)
of the world’s leading real estate
asset managers do business
from Luxembourg
Source : website
Luxembourg is also :
- A pan-European banking centre of global reach, hosting the headquarters of 128 international banks from 27 countries
- A one-stop shop for asset management
- A centre of excellence in corporate finance and custody
- A forerunner of international capital markets, leader in international stock listing
- The 1st global stock exchange dedicated to "green finance" with the creation of the LGX (Luxembourg Green Exchange)
- An EU centre of excellence for the cross-border distribution of insurance and pension vehicles, with a dedicated regulator, the Commissariat aux Assurances
- A unique level of investor protection
- International portability...


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